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Blaise Tobia

I am a visual artist who employs photographic imagery as a means of examining and commenting upon the world. My primary subject matter as a photographer over the past fifty years has been material culture. My practice as a fine artist has been to match my photographs to formal and conceptual structures that reveal - and sometimes even enhance - their meaning and signal my artistc intentions.
My practice has been exhibition oriented but, increasingly, I am working in book form, as well as presenting work directly through social media.
This website has been designed to serve as a kind of catalog raisonne. It presents my work grouped into formal and conceptual categories, with an element of chronology. The same works may appear in two or more categories since their characteristics often reflect multiple intentionalities.
The site opens up into external online structures such as Flickr albums, Wikipedia entries and Web based publications.
For a fuller version of this introduction, please go the “About” tab, where you will find a more detailed narrative account of my career.